Xin Ma

Department of Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Texas at Arlington


222C SEIR,

Arlington, TX 76019 AT

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at UT Arlington, under the guidance of Professor Won Hwa Kim. Prior to joining UT Arlington, I earned a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University at Buffalo, SUNY (UB), and a Bachelor's degree in Electronic Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Communications (BUPT).

Over the past several years, I have developed my expertise as a researcher through numerous deep learning projects, spanning mobile computing, medical imaging analysis, graph neural networks, deep clustering, and both supervised and unsupervised semantic segmentation. Additionally, I have gained experience in self-supervised learning, model quantization, vision-language modeling, and object detection through various internships. My professional research skills are complemented by advanced coding abilities, enabling me to effectively implement prototypes.

Research Interests:
My research interests encompass Computer Vision (image segmentation, object detection, vision-language models, visual navigation, robotics, and 3D vision) and Deep Learning (deep clustering, multimodal machine learning, and self-supervised learning).

Publications [Google Scholar]